February 6

My new things : RUMMIKUB

Have you ever played a game you didn’t want to play? Was it also something new? Well here is my story.

I went to my dad’s house. My godmother Tania said “lets play RUMMIKUB! Come on it will be fun.”. So we played the game RUMMIKUB like she suggested. I’m a explain the instructions. The instructions are : If colors are the same then you make them go like 123, and if colors are different and they are the same number that makes a pair. Rules are to not show ANYBODY your chips.

Tania was like “NOOOOO this is your first time how are you beating me right now” and stuff like “You are so rude right now”. We ended up doing another round. I wanted to go away in the middle of the game i said “Okay bye the game is over BYE!” Tania said “NOOO you have to stay”.

I don’t recommend this game at all. If you like the game cause you tried it well good for you. Don’t play it if your like me because its boring,not fun, and just don’t play it.

November 29

My turkey trap

My problem was that it was thanksgiving soon and i forgot to get a turkey and the stores were sold out i needed to catch my own turkey. In order to do it i need to make a trap.

My materials were:cardboard,newspaper,pipe cleaner,tape,foil,styrofoam,craft sticks and duct tape.

My plan was to:make the trap sorta like a box to capture it i made fake food to attract the turkey once the turkeys in there i will lift up the stick in the back.

The trap works like:There’s set up to look like a box with food for the turkey once the turkey gets attract it to the food in the box there’s i stick in the back i lift up to trap it in the box and there.presentation3

October 18

Dancing raisins experiment

University of Houston students Ms.Plum and Ms.Millner. We did a experiment called the dancing raisins. First we get a cup of water. Then we get 1 table spoon of baking soda. Then add a few raisins. Also add 15 ml of vinegar.your finally done you made dancing raisins. file_000

October 18

Finding Pax!

screenshot-2016-10-13-at-2-29-39-pmfirst we had a clue but i forgot what it was. Then me and angel and jon also jonathan found a clue and unlocked the second page!! It was so cool!! Then the class found a clue that said “Pax hid a clue” it was so mysterious which made it so much FUN!! Then my friend Bre found the key. Then she unlocked these clues that meant numbers. Aaylin found out first!!! She unlocked the last clue. There were papers that said “you found Pax” and we found the Pax book.


October 18

Whats My Color ?

screenshot-2016-10-14-at-10-19-56-amWe went on a field trip to the spring woods high school. We watched a play called “What’s my color?”. The play was so funny and interesting at the same time. Hue wanted to find his color. He met blue,red,yellow,orange,purple and green. We saw are old music teacher ms.cutler.

September 29

All about Alexus with Alexus


My favorite food is hot chips and steak and kimchi noodles. I’m 9 years old. My favorite holiday is Christmas because I’m born i December and on Christmas family comes together and its a jolly time. My favorite movie is Lego Movie. My favorite subject is math. My favorite thing to do in class is to read. I love my family and my pup that’s 9 weeks. He’s a shih tzu and he’s a little fur ball. What I feel about blogging is a little excited i feel it because i never blogged before. That’s all about me. I can’t wait to make another blog. YAY IT’S FUN to BLOG!